Arts District
J.R. Hodges Tin Shop
A charming two-tone structure of rustic barn-wood fronted with white, wooden lap siding, the J.R. Hodges Tin Shop most likely produced products like lunchpails and ceiling panels for mining-era households. Today, a wide range of art—from film to poetry, graffiti to textiles, mosaics to jewelry—is created in its humble downstairs studio by visiting artists housed in the residence upstairs. The historic building was moved at least twice since its construction, most recently in 1950 by its owners, the Theobald family. Blacksmith Robin Theobald made the steel hooks and accents for it. Managed in partnership with the Saddlerock Society, the Town rehabilitated the Tin Shop and opened it to guest artists in 2006. Artists give back by hosting open studio hours and public workshops during their stay.
Constructed: Circa 1883; Renovated: 2006
Liam Doran